Valentine's Day: How did it get started?
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! Do you know how Valentine's Day got started in the first place? Why do people around the world celebrate it? These...

My Interview with PALET Magazine
I'm happy to report that I sat down with Chikashi, a very well-known Jazz D.J. in many parts of the world and owner of Tree Cafe, a very...

Using OSMO: Learning English with Technology
Hello everyone! I'm excited to share with you all that we have started using OSMO in many of our lessons as a way to try using new...

Learning Directions: The Fun Way
In today's lesson for some of our J.H.S. students, I thought using a remote control car on our walls would be a fun way to teach them how...

Happy New Year: May 2015 be an Excellent Year
Dear everyone, I can't believe how quickly the end of 2014 has come! On behalf of my family and I, we just wanted to wish you all the...

1st Christmas Party: Young Students' Edition
Here are a few shots from our 1st annual Christmas Party for our young students. We enjoyed playing a series of fun "minute-to-win-it"...

1st Christmas Party: Adult Students' Edition
Our 1st Christmas party for young students was loads of fun, but so was our adult students' version! ;) As many as 16 students joined us...

Learning about Ireland with Nigel O'Mahoney
Tonight was our first special event desgined to allow out adult students have a chance to learn and interact with a foreigner guest...

Our 1st Halloween Party: A Huge Success
Happy Halloween everyone! Earlier tonight we had our very first Halloween Party at CEA for our young students. I'll let the pictures...

Tsuruga Festival: CEA's 1st
Today was an excellent day. Many of my former students from Awano J.H.S. carried one of the many omikoshi (portable shrines) along the...